That’s A Wrap for the May Bee (And Why Drinking Coffee Cuts Your Risk of Dying!)


I came into the May Bee challenge feeling energized and excited about the opportunity to blog every day most days in May. I had felt like I had been slacking on my posts, letting other things edge out my time spent at the computer writing. So I really relished the idea of doing this challenge. And I’m so glad I did! Not only did I learn a lot about the topics I’m interested in, but I also got to share that love with you. So, thanks for coming along on the ride. Maybe I’ll do it again next year.

For my last May Bee post, I want to talk about one of my favorite things in the world — a cup of coffee. If you know me at all you know I relish my coffee with gusto. So I was excited to read this article in The New York Times about how drinking coffee seems to reduce your overall risk of dying. Yay for no dying! As the article states “Coffee drinking was linked to a reduced risk of death from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, neurological diseases and suicide, although not from cancer.” I don’t need any health reasons to drink my two to three cups of coffee a day, but I’m glad to know I don’t have to feel guilty about my habit.

And with that, I bid a fond farewell to May 2017 as I welcome what I hope to be a really fabulous summer for me, and for you. Maybe it’ll be the best one yet.

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Maybe Try Some New Happiness Techniques

Maybe you’re starting your work week after the long holiday weekend feeling not great. Maybe you’re stressed, or sad, or angry, or anxious. It happens to everyone. These are normal emotions that we all have. It’s what we do with them that makes the difference in our happiness levels. 

I just read this article about four things you can do immediately to feel happier. As someone who has researched this topic quite a bit for my wellness writing (and personal interest) I immediately connected with these four rituals

In my opinion, these are simple things you can do every day to help you feel more empowered, in control, and on the right track. 

Maybe give these four rituals a try and see if they work for you? 

Maybe Some Slow Cooker Steel Cut Oats For Your Monday

My husband and I have a golf tournament in the morning and it starts pretty early. I am making this Apple Cinnamon Slow Cooker Oatmeal recipe tonight so that we can have something healthy and hearty in the morning ready to go.  I love crock pot oatmeal because it makes the house smell amazing and there’s something really pampering about having a hot breakfast waiting for you when you wake up. Just drizzle a little honey or maple syrup and heavy cream over the top and you’ll be happy as can be!

Recipe here.

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Maybe A No Bake Treat Recipe For The Weekend

I grew up eating peanut butter balls my mom made that had honey, peanut butter, and I think maybe Rice Krispies. They were so good. I made them a lot for my daughter when she was smaller. As she’s grown older, she’s become a bit of a chocolate fiend. Which is just fine because recent studies have shown eating chocolate regularly lowers your chances of having a heart condition called A Fib (atrial fibrillation).

When I saw these chocolatey energy bites I knew I would need to make them for her. They will also be perfect for my golf bag, when I sometimes need just a bump of energy without too much fuss. They are gluten free and made with only whole food ingredients.  Maybe try them this weekend and let me know what you think! Recipe here.

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New Recipe: Easy Peanut Butter Balls (and an update on the elimination diet).

Healthy Snacks

NEW RECIPE! Kale Chips

Maybe It’s Time To Try A New Snack

I can’t remember where, maybe at a friend’s house, I tried a snack that knocked my socks off. Enlightened Roasted Broadbean Crisps are seasoned snacks made from roasted broad beans, a little bit of oil and sea salt. They are crunchy, flavorful, and the perfect little snack for me. Coming in at 100 calories per 1 oz package, they are high in protein (7 grams), low in sugar (1 gram) and high in fiber (5 grams). They have 3 grams of fat, and so they also fit well into the fat/protein/carb trifecta for a satisfying and complete snack. I buy big boxes of them in assorted flavors from Amazon and keep them in the car, my golf bag, and the snack shelf at home. I love the BBQ and sriracha flavors but the simple sea salt is also very nice.

This is one snack that keeps me feeling full and satisfies my carb cravings. Let’s be honest, I’m never going to be the kind of person that feels full after a plate of vegetables. So, I eat the veggies because they are delicious and good for me, but I also need some carbs to make me feel truly satiated. These broad beans just do it for me.

Disclaimer: I wasn’t offered anything in exchange for telling you about this brand. I just love them a lot and thought you might too.

Maybe they will become a new favorite snack for you too?

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NEW RECIPE! Kale Chips

Maybe Time To Revisit This Important Post About Body Image

Last year, on this very day, I wrote my most read blog post to date. It was reposted by other bloggers, and my local NPR station did an entire show around it, inviting me on to discuss the topic.  Maybe today I am just as passionate about it as I was last year.

I’m talking about my Bikini Body post, in which Discovery Girls magazine ran a spread detailing how to cover up your “flaws” with a bathing suit. Sounds totally crazy, right? Why would a young girl need to be instructed on how to strategically cover up her “flaws” with geometric shapes and other such nonsense?

If your answer is “this is bull honkey!” then please click the link to read the original post. Share it far and wide. Our poor girls (and to a somewhat lesser extent, boys) are having messages of “you’re not good enough” crammed down their throats by television, magazines and social media at an alarming rate. They are being told their self worth is tied up in their weight and body shape. They are being trained that their #1 concern should be to please others (mostly the opposite sex) above themselves. This is unacceptable, and the only way to help our kids to ignore those harmful messages is to talk with them and help them understand that they have the power to decide for themselves.

Maybe we can’t stop this freight train but we can do our best to help our kids decide not to get on in the first place.

Bikini Body

Maybe Some New Goals

That time between dinner and bed? It’s the least productive time for me. I’m tired from the day, low energy, and generally uninspired. I envy the people who spend those hours cleaning, creating something, or otherwise being industrious. My circadian rhythm doesn’t work that way. My most energetic hours are first thing in the morning.

I have always felt, though, that I could be doing *something*. Content enough to drink my tea or red wine and catch up on reading or Netflix, I haven’t spent much time considering what else I could be doing.

So, I’ve decided my next goal is to fix that. I am not crafty, so knitting, sewing, scrapbooking or similar activities are a non-starter. I generally do my exercising earlier in the day and it’s hard for me to even fathom moving a whole lot later in the day, so that’s probably not going to happen either (except for my weekly evening paddle league in the winter, occasional evening golf in the summer, and once a week or so dog walks with friends). I’m looking for something I can do most nights that makes me feel useful.

Any ideas? If so, please share! Tell me what you do in the evenings to pass the time. Maybe I’ll get inspired and finally land on the one thing for me.

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Maybe It’s Time For Friday Cocktails Again. The Classic Daquiri


Maybe when you saw the word “daiquiri” you were immediately envisioning those huge overly sweet frozen drinks you imbibed in your early 20’s (or now, I’m not judging).

The Classic Daiquiri is *not* that. Not even close. Invented in the late 1800’s in Cuba, the Daiquiri as it was imagined is fresh, light, and slightly sweet. It was also Ernest Hemingway’s favorite drink. We know he loved his drinks, so I sort of trust his judgement on this one.

It’s got only three ingredients (quality matters, so choose well). The best part is that it’s super easy to make and even easier to drink. Perfect for a Friday night when you’ve had that kind of week. Maybe it’ll become your new favorite.


  • 1 1/2 ounces light rum
  • 3/4 ounce fresh lime juice (honestly, you could also try this if you’re feeling lazy)
  • 1/4 ounce simple syrup or super fine sugar


Pour the rum, lime juice and sugar into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into your favorite cocktail glass. An antique champagne coupe would be fun!


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Maybe A Portobello Patty Melt For Dinner Tonight?

Ever since I cut down on my red meat consumption, I’ve really missed one of my favorite splurges: the patty melt. Maybe they taste good going down, but then reality sets in. Indigestion, the meat sweats, that brick-in-my-gut feeling. So when I saw this recipe I just knew I had to try it.

I made these Portobello Patty Melts last night for dinner, and they were GOOD. Like, really good. A few things I did differently: instead of caramelizing the onions for 40 minutes, I did it for about 20. Also, instead of roasting the portobello mushrooms for 40-45 minutes, I put them in a pan with the marinade and sautéed them with a cover on until they were ready. It saved about 20 minutes which is huge when you have a hungry family.

My daughter hates mushrooms so she opted for a grilled cheese but my husband and I really liked them. I can’t wait to have them again. Maybe next week?

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Maybe I Need A Timeout

So, I woke up feeling agitated about something this morning. And I was laying in bed just ruminating and getting more worked up. And then I remembered a tool I always have in my back pocket anytime I need it: my breath. Thanks to the regular use of my favorite mindfulness app Headspace for the past few years, I have built up all kinds of tools and mechanisms for when I feel angry, sad, stressed, overwhelmed or just in need of a break. 

#1 is always go back to the breath. When we are stressed our breaths become shallow and restricted, which depletes our oxygen levels and makes us feel worse. Spend a few minutes focusing on helping your breath normalize. When we take a slower, deeper breath and hold it at the top for a moment or two before letting it back out, it sends a signal to the brain that things are OK. 

So, when you begin your day at 5:45 am already stressed like I did, try some relaxed breathing. Or check out Headspace and take advantage of their free trial offer. Maybe you could also look up free meditation videos on YouTube if that’s more your thing.  The point is to find something that works, and revisit it when you need it.