Did You Know I Have A Newsletter?

If you’re looking for a little healthy inspiration, why not subscribe to my weekly wellness newsletter? It’s a short read that’s full of useful and approachable stuff.

The Midweek Mashup began as a way for me to quickly share small bites of useful health and wellness information with people, and it has really taken off. Every week I relish finding just the right news tidbit, recipe, and favorite thing or life hack to share with my readers. And it’s resonating! Blog posts are fantastic, but more and more I find that people want small pieces of useful info that they can easily assimilate vs. longer posts about a single topic.

But don’t take my word for it! Believe the readers who write me every week to tell me how useful and helpful they find it. I love receiving these email responses, they really do make my week.

I’ll still update the blog. I’ve been writing it so long that it feels like home to me. But, please do sign up for the email newsletter too. I promise you’ll look forward to getting it every Wednesday!