Midweek Mashup


AHHH, Summer.  Those endless, lazy days when you have all the time in the world to cook and bake and harvest the vegetables you’ve lovingly grown in your backyard….


HAHAHAHAHA.  Why do I always think this is what summer will be?  When it’s January and 20 below and I need something to help get me through those frigid dark days of winter, this is the image that sustains me. But, let’s be honest. It’s TOTAL BULLCRAP!

Summer is busy and frenetic and essentially consists of me shuttling my 11 year old to and fro. In Minnesota the weather is warm for only a short time, so we also cram as much outdoor activity as we can. Which means the house is messy and the chores don’t get done and there’s constantly flip flops and sunscreen scattered everywhere. And now for some inexplicable reason we have a problem with flies. Also, my tomatoes aren’t growing well and the dill never even came up and I can’t even get my geraniums to stay alive. But, you know, SUMMER. So anyway…families still need to eat.

That’s why I like these strategies for putting dinner on the table in a shorter amount of time.  Because everyone’s busy!

You now what else falls off during the summer?  My workouts. Sure, I golf a ton (I always walk and carry my bag, so there’s that). I’ve been getting to barre about once a week as well. But there’s no routine and it can’t be counted on. I’ve done this 7 Minute Workout by the New York Times in the past and love it. It’s challenging and works my whole body. It’s perfect for anywhere, including when you travel. Knock it out once a day and you’ll feel stronger in no time.

And finally, here is my all time favorite summer recipe for Caprese Pasta. I make it once a week and it’s so easy. When tomatoes and basil are in season, it is so fresh and delicious. Everyone likes it and it’s easy to throw together at the last minute.

Enjoy the rest of your week! As always, please leave a comment and share this post if you like what you read!


4 thoughts on “Midweek Mashup

  1. chroniclesinhealth

    I like the suggestion of having the kids help out. This not only teaches the cooking skills, but the planning skills also.


  2. My tomatoes didn’t grow well either which was a total bummer! There is nothing like a beautiful, fragrant, mouthwatering tomato as compared to the cardboard version of a tomato found at the grocery store. Unfortunately we got so much rain that our crop was sadly diminished.


  3. In summers past, I have been a somewhat maniacal gardener, canner and food preserver. This year I’ve dialed back my expectations of myself on all fronts and find that I’m enjoying my summer a lot more. Here’s to setting realistic expectations of ourselves and our gardens! Thanks for the reminder, Melanie!


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