Liebster Award

Being a blogger for such a short time, I was thrilled to be nominated today for a Liebster Award! What a fun surprise.

Thank you Jan Baillargeon of Loved And Nourished for the nomination! I really have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all the adorable photos of your baby girl, the wonderful meals you prepare, and the love you have for your family.

A Liebster Award is an online award originally given by more established bloggers to bloggers with less than 200 followers who post worthy, quality material. If the blogger accepts the award, s/he then nominates a few more favorite bloggers waiting for their awesome stuff to be “found” and thus the chain continues. Click here for a  description of the Liebster Award and what goes into accepting it, nominating others, and keeping the awards flowing to others.

The Rules
1. Thank the Nominator.

2. Display the award.

3. Nominate 10 more bloggers with 10 new questions.

4. Answer the questions provided by the Nominator.

5. Notify the Nominees.

10 Questions Answered

What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?

I really am passionate about helping other people realize that they don’t have to be perfect in order to be well.  There’s room for treats and indulgences and mistakes.  I am passionate about meeting each person exactly where they are. And I want to get people excited about health and wellness.

What’s your favorite blog post you ever wrote? (link it here)

It definitely is the Vegetables Schmegetables post.  It really illustrates how even with the best of intentions, kids of nutrition and wellness enthusiasts still give up their veggies sometimes. I am far from perfect.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Be your authentic self.

What’s your favorite smell?

Pine trees in winter.  Followed closely by a fire in the fireplace.

What is your best advice for a new blogger?

Don’t try to be anyone else.  Write with your authentic voice.  Pick topics you are enthusiastic about.  There will always be someone who shares your enthusiasm.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

Skydiving, attending a Presidential swearing-in, running a 10k

What is your favorite meal of the day?

Dinner.  It’s when my family is gathered together after a long day.

If you could give your 18 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?


What are three words your best friend would use to describe you?

Funny, resourceful, kind.

What is your favorite memory of this past year?

Showing my daughter I could overcome my fear of waterskiing.

10 Questions for Nominees

  1. What is the inspiration behind your blog?
  2. What’s your favorite thing to eat/favorite recipe?
  3. What would you tell your high school self?
  4. What do you hope to achieve with your blog?
  5. Where is your favorite place to visit?
  6. If you could do one thing over in your life, what would it be?
  7. What is your favorite sport/activity to participate in?
  8. What movie could you watch over and over again?
  9. What are the 3 things you hope to accomplish this year?
  10. What wisdom can you share with brand new bloggers?

Here are the blogs I’ve chosen as Nominees (in alphabetical order)

Bananas Over Nutrition

Cooking Without Limits

Food Is Life

Get Your ‘Tox Off

Homemade Health

Legumes and Layettes

Mod Nutrition

Organic Baby Roots

Swift Fit Kitchen

Zag Bites


Tell me what you think!