Maybe I’ll Finally Stop Multitasking

It’s possible I get distracted very easily. Maybe it’s actually very likely that on any given day, during any given task, I find myself checking texts, emails, Facebook, and Twitter far too often. Then I forget where I am in my task and it takes a while to get back up to speed. How much time am I wasting every day because of this? Probably hours.

I was on Twitter and saw a well known journalist mention the Pomodoro Technique for time management and I was instantly intrigued. So I did some research and decided to put it to the test the next day, when I had set aside a few hours to finish a school project.

It seems so simple and I’m kind of embarrassed that I haven’t used a time management technique in all the years I’ve been going to school and work. Real talk: my time management sucks. Well, it used to, anyway. So, here’s how it works: set a timer for 25 minutes (if that seems too long, start with 15). After the timer goes off, give yourself a five minute break to check email, read Facebook, make a cup of tea or check messages. After your fourth 25 minute work session, give yourself a longer break to take a walk, read a book, or watch a show on Netflix. Repeat repeat repeat as long as you have time.

If you sit down for a chunk of time without any sort of strategy, you might find yourself getting distracted too easily. When you have shorter chunks of time using the Pomodoro Technique, it’s easy to put off returning phone calls, texts or emails because you know you’ll have a reasonable amount of time to tackle those things. This strategy can even be used for household chores. For kids, break it down into five, 10 or 15 minutes depending on their age.

Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you! Maybe your life will be changed for the better! And if you like this post, please feel free to share with with family and friends!

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One thought on “Maybe I’ll Finally Stop Multitasking

  1. chroniclesinhealth

    I too used to try to multi task, but in the last six months have been doing the timed sessions. It has helpled me. I still slip back into the multi tasking mode at times.


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